Launching a membership has never been easier

    Only $29/mo
  • 📈 Unlimited members (paid or free)
  • 👋 VIP support & free migration
  • ✅ Includes all standard features
  • 💳 4% transaction fee
  • 🔌 Connect up to 2 websites

🏆 Need advanced features?

See all plan options

👩‍💻 Using MemberSpace for a client?

Get agency access

MemberSpace works with squarespace membership icon wordpress membership icon webflow membership icon wix membership icon duda membership icon notion membership icon weebly membership icon hubspot membership icon carrd membership icon showit membership icon custom html membership icon
testimonial head shot
Up and running in literally a day, and $4,000 in sales a few days later! If I made it work this quickly, anyone can. This is seamless.
Stephanie Leavell, Founder of Music for Kiddos

Common Questions

  • What does VIP Support & free migration include? You can email us with any questions (under an hour response time) or attend our live office hours. We try to be very generous with our time to help you be successful with MemberSpace and your business. We'll also help you migrate (and import members) from any membership platform to MemberSpace for free! We can handle any size membership.
  • How does the transaction fee work? We automatically collect a transaction fee (including while on a trial) from each of your member charges. This is on top of Stripe's fee. As you process more revenue through MemberSpace, your transaction fee drops when you upgrade your plan. To help you offset these fees, we'll automatically recover any failed member payments and abandoned signups for you.
  • Do you recover failed payments & abandoned signups? Yes, we automatically try to recover any failed recurring charge and abandoned member signup via on-screen popups and emails we send on your behalf. We also provide cancellation alternatives you can turn on for members (e.g. extend trial or apply a discount). Say your business generates $30K/year, we'll likely recover about 5% (i.e. $1,500) for you in extra revenue. The amount recovered will obviously vary for each business :)
  • How do I collect money from my members? We integrate with Stripe for secure credit card payments. After you connect your Stripe account to MemberSpace (1-click), you'll create plans. After your members sign up and pay for your plans, you'll receive the money (minus any MemberSpace & Stripe fees) in your bank account. This usually takes two business days.
  • Can I connect MemberSpace to multiple websites? Yes, you can connect up to 2 websites on our Starting plan, up to 3 on our Growing plan, and up to 4 on our Advanced plan. If you need more than 4 connected websites please email to chat about custom Organization pricing.
  • Does MemberSpace work well for web design agencies? Yes, many web design/development agencies use MemberSpace for client sites. Simply sign up for a free Agency Account to connect and manage unlimited client sites from your one MemberSpace account. When a site is ready to hand off to your client, you can easily invite them to connect billing and begin adding members to their site.
  • Can I white-label MemberSpace? Yes, as part of our Advanced Plan you can white-label any MemberSpace login/signup links and member emails we send with your own domain.
  • Does this work with my website platform's template & plan? MemberSpace works on any template for the website platforms we support. You must be on a plan with your website platform that allows you to add third-party code into your website. Contact if you have questions and we'll be happy to help.
testimonial head shot
All my students used MemberSpace to access the course and it's running without a hitch. I earned almost $30K on my last launch.
Jonathan Tilley, Founder of LOLB